The Arts at The Market on State
All local schools are invited to participate in The Market on State's Art Contest. Each month, a different grade level is judged on a common theme. The artwork is judged by local groups that use the mall, like the Mall Walkers and the Senior Volleyball Group. The top three students and the art department at the winning school are awarded prizes. In addition, they are displayed, along with the honorable mentions, in the main entrance to The Market on State.
The artwork featured immediately below is from the art department of Coolville Elementary School. To see a larger versions, simply click on the images.
In the hallway of the east entrance, is a one-of-a-kind sculpture created by Passionworks - a local community program employing artists with developmental disabilities. This piece is part of the display of photographs, gathered from the extensive collection at the Athens County Historical Society and Museum, providing a glimpse into the history of Athens.
Below, is the one-of-a-kind frame sculpture from the artists at Passionworks. To see a larger version, simply click on the image.